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Driving Traffic to your Website and Increasing Subscriber Lists

By November 30, 2016December 18th, 2016Email Marketing, How To Guides

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Driving Traffic to your Website and Increasing Subscriber Lists

There are certain things you want visitors to accomplish when they visit your eCommerce website. The big goal is obviously to create a new customer, but it’s far from the only objective. In fact, you can think of every customer visit as a report card with several key goals—the more you’re able to check off, the better job your website is doing when it comes to measuring success. For example:

  • Did a customer purchase a product?
  • Did they share their experience on Facebook or Twitter?
  • Did they sign up for your email list?

Measuring customer actions against this “report card” allows you to see what else you could be doing to improve the customer experience, grow your brand and strengthen customer retention.

If converting a sale is the top priority, getting visitors to sign up for your email list is a close second. The reason for this is simple: even if a visitor didn’t convert the first time around, having their email address gives you another chance to score top marks on your eCommerce website visitor report card. This automatically makes collecting email signups a high priority.

traffic contact info

Increasing signups

The first and best way to add subscribers to your email address is to have them checkout with a sale. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the easiest method of gathering contact info. More often than not, you’ll have to persuade prospective customers to part with their email information. To do this, successful eCommerce sites take a variety important approaches:

  • Incentivize signups: Offering a one-time coupon in exchange for signup information is an upfront way to boost subscribers. And, with Remarkety’s coupon code integration for Magento 1 and Magento 2 which automatically creates unique and one-time coupon codes per contact, you can even track who actually converted on the codes you sent to better follow up with them in future campaigns.
  • Offer options: By giving subscribers an opportunity to segment themselves based on preference, you’ll make email more enticing. If subscribers know they’re only getting the emails they want, they’re more apt to respond to your request for signup.
  • Create value: Offering exclusive content, products, information or deals to email subscribers is a great way to justify the value in signing up. If you tout the benefits of your email, expect people to observe a greater value in giving you their info.  

traffic customer email statsIn addition, it’s equally important to create interactions that prompt visitors to sign up. The more chances for signup you have, the more chances for capture you have:

  • Consider a popup that advertises email signup as someone goes to “x-out” of your eCommerce shop and make sure to display a valuable call to action.
  • Have a signup prompt featured on your homepage and in your footer for store-wide visibility.

Channeling traffic

As you amass subscribers and build up your various email segments, it’s important to leverage them in a way that will best drive those subscribers to act. It’s here that we return to the report card concept: how do you get them to your website to create a conversion or, at the very least, become a brand ambassador? It all depends on the behavior of that list—something Remarkety can help you identify and qualify!

Traffic, emails and conversions are all cyclical: one powers another, which powers another, which starts the whole process over again. Getting customers into this cycle is easiest through email, and Remarkety can help ensure you capture and keep subscribers with smarter data and better insight.

Let Remarkety help you set up your email subscription strategy: Request your free demo today or why not try us out absolutely free!