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Set Your Store up for Success During Peak Traffic Times

It’s no secret that the peak traffic time of the year for eCommerce is the holiday season—people would rather shop for deals online than camp outside of stores! set your store up for success

But while it’s widely known that an influx of traffic is likely to occur between November and January, many eCommerce sites don’t adequately prepare themselves for the deluge of customers. As a result, they end up missing highly prospective sales that could further boost already high trends.

The key to generating even more sales during the holiday season is setting up your eCommerce email to effectively manage and control your customer base. This means organization across a number of fronts:

  • Managing new customers who have completed a purchase;
  • Notifying existing customers of sales and events;
  • Alerting customers to abandoned carts;
  • Generating leads through email marketing.

Remarkety is adept at helping you maintain control of peak traffic situations throughout the duration of the busy season. Thanks to the robust automation capabilities of the platform, eCommerce store owners are able to focus on other important store/site considerations while their email marketing strategy runs smoothly in the background. Here’s how:

New customers

Using triggers and automatic list segmentation, it’s possible to quickly process new customer emails to keep your subscriber base exceptionally organized. Set up triggers for welcome emails, first-time shopper coupons and more, to help capture new customers and turn them into conversions. And, with Remarkety’s built in coupon generation capabilities for Magento, the entire process can be automated for precision execution.

Want to learn more about email marketing? Make sure to schedule your free demo today!

Sending sales emails

You’re liable to be running sales of all kinds during this season. This can take a lot of time when it comes to creating and disseminating emails. Luckily, Remarkety’s drag-and-drop email creators makes design easy! Pre-programmed variable data strings also enable a high level of customization. Schedule dissemination to segmented customer groups and set up auto-response triggers to get everything mocked up ahead of time. When sale days roll around, you’ll be able to focus on processing demand, instead of trying to create it.thanksgiving email marketing template

Abandoned carts

With an infusion of new customers inevitably comes the prospect of abandoned carts. People find your site, load up a cart, second guess themselves and turn tail, leaving all of that potential revenue behind. Having abandoned cart emails set up is a great way to recoup some of those losses and create sales that might otherwise have never occurred. Remarkety’s powerful abandoned cart feature allows you to quickly identify abandoned orders, send persuasive appeals to their owners and track recouped conversions, all with clean automation.cart abandonment campaign

Marketing emails

To get a piece of the holiday season traffic, you’ll need to hit your email marketing hard. Thankfully, this is also the time of year more people spend actually opening and viewing the emails they receive. They’re looking for great deals, new products and enticing opportunities, so be sure to give them some! Use Remarkety to design alluring emails, schedule them, track interactions and create targeted messages for different customer groups. You’ll drive traffic more effectively to your site by sending the right emails!

If you’re not prepared for peak traffic and the holiday influx of eCommerce shoppers, now’s the time to start planning. Utilizing Remarkety is a great first step, and will help you manage traffic on all fronts.

Make sure to schedule your free demo today!