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ecommerce marketing Archives - Remarkety

Cross Marketing Channels for eCommerce

By eCommerce Trends, Email Marketing, Uncategorized

Email marketing is still the most popular and potent channel you can use for your e-commerce business. It’s like a powerful river that flows all the profits into your abundant ocean. But what about the tributaries? There must be a bunch of different little streams that contribute to creating this powerful river of goodness.

A singular marketing stream will only grow your business if it meets other streams and flows into a river and then on to the ocean. Using cross marketing channels will empower your marketing efforts and bring your business to another level.

Want to include cross marketing channels to your eCommerce marketing strategy? Read on

Cross Marketing Channels for eCommerce

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3 Simple Steps to Build Brand Loyalty

By Email Marketing, How To Guides

Brand loyalty is a tricky thing. Most companies think that all you need is a good product or service and you are golden! The world is your oyster! Wrong!

Ok, maybe that was the mindset 50 years ago. Fast forward to the present and you will see that loyalty isn’t as easy to obtain as it once was. The problem? The internet has increased competition and the consumer is price savvier than ever. So, as an eCommerce business what can do you do to build and preserve your brand loyalty?

Follow us for the answers…

3 Easy Ways to Build Brand Loyalty
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5 Ways to Use Email to Fight Price Comparison Websites

By How To Guides

One of the most common issues eCommerce merchants face is cart abandonment and the main culprit that causes these issues; price comparison websites.

Have you ever had a customer that added a product to cart but then disappeared? You aren’t alone. Best bets are they disappeared to compare your product with other companies. Comparison shopping is a big problem in the e-commerce world and this is where Remarkety steps in.

price comparison website
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3 Easy Ways to Boost B2B Sales with Email Segmentation

By How To Guides

We’ve all heard by now the effects that email segmentation can have on an online business. But what about businesses that sell products to other businesses? What if you have a long list of people that are business owners, or marketers, or CEO’s of corporations? You might think to yourself why would I send them the same cheesy cart abandonment email? Or another “we missed you” email. They wouldn’t even look at it right?


email segmentation b2b

Well today we want to show you how you can bring value to each segment of your B2B subscribers.

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